Pure Clean Fuel
Personalizing your nutrition, is a science in and of itself.
There are so many choices and brands to choose from, it can get overwhelming, and what ends up happening is, athletes tend to ask around to find out what works for their training partner and try that product out. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
MOXiLIFE Nutrition provides individualized stackable fuel options.
We've taken care of researching the science of carbohydrates, and found Cluster Dextrin HBCD to be the highest quality sustainable carbohydrate fuel source. It is well researched from both performance and tolerability perspective.
We have packaged Cluster Dextrin in our Pür Fuel™ brand for a stackable fuel source, to be combined with MOXi Nutrition Daily™, at a ratio sufficient for your personal caloric needs.
Hydrate and SipStream™ your fuel
Pür Fuel™ is a proven sustainable liquid carbohydrate for endurance athletes seeking efficient energy, and a stackable fuel source.
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