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Athletes and Minerals: a Zinc Focus

(The minerals magnesium, zinc, copper, and iron appear to be the prominent minerals impacted by exercise with magnesium and zinc being the most prominent.)

Magnesium Testing Challenges


This review will discuss causes of magnesium deficiency, absorption, handling, and compartmentalization in the body, highlighting the challenges this creates in determining magnesium status in both clinical and research settings.

Magnesium is Found in the following food sources: (Pumpkin Seeds, Almonds, Wholegrain Bread, Beans Or Lentils, Cashew Nuts)

Depleted soil, inadequate crop rotations and limited fertilizing nutrients are contributing factors to the current deficient agriculture environment. Unless produce is grown within a carefully cultured environment, locally grown and not on a mass scale with carefully monitored soil rotation and various compost replenishment protocols, the clean produce will not have the amounts and levels of nutrients once found in our food 30 years ago.

We looked at the needs and requirements of endurance athletes and developed a magnesium supplement with the highest quality, convenience, hypoallergenic, dual benefits and with statistical efficacy evidence.

Mineral Studies pertaining to Health and Athletes

Clinical Studies Linking Magnesium with Common Endurance Athletes Health Issues

A mineral is a naturally occurring substance that is solid and inorganic representable by a chemical formula, usually abiogenic, and has an ordered atomic structure. It is different from a rock, which can be an aggregate of minerals or non-minerals and does not have a specific chemical composition.

There are numerous theories to dive into why muscle cramping occurs, however to drill down this phenomenom, lets take Occam's razor  approach. If we have two different explanations to the reason, the simpler one is usually the better answer.  One explanation is physiological and the other hypothetical.

There are numerous theories to dive into why muscle cramping occurs, however to drill down this phenomenon, let's take Occam's razor approach. If we have two different explanations to the reason, the simpler one is usually the better answer.  One explanation is physiological and the other hypothetical.  

They are solid elements derived from nature. Minerals for nutritional purposes cannot be synthesized by the body. They must be utilized as natural elements from nature.

Albion™ was founded by Dr. Harvey H. Ashmead in 1956. As a pharmacist, Dr. Ashmead brought an overriding philosophy to his fledgling company that exists at Albion™ to this day:  “To help improve the circumstances of his fellow man.” During his extensive travels, Dr. Ashmead came to believe that improvements in the nutritional status of people worldwide was sorely needed. To this end he devoted his life to researching nutritional issues and advancing the nutritional status of less fortunate people. He sought to do this through improving the bioavailability of minerals.

Recent studies show endurance athletes require 20% more magnesium for optimal performance.(1) Magnesium is critical to the human body at a cellular level and reaches over 300 enzymatic processes, with recent studies bumping these numbers to potentially double the amount once thought. Magnesium acts as a catalyst and precursor, building the bridge for energy production, muscle function, cardiovascular regulation, neuromuscular capabilities, and hormone generation.

Minerals Make Tracks for TRACCS™  (Albion™ Minerals)

Why does a mineral chelate form matter? Absorption matters. The right chelate form (Albion) promises to be absorbed up to four times better than mineral salt forms. Since your body requires minerals to function (magnesium for your heart, calcium for bones, etc), taking a form that’s biologically available offers more for your health. Bioavailability is the extent to which a nutrient can be used by the body. If you cannot absorb the mineral, it will not be “available” to be used.



At MOXi Nutrition, we are passionate about transforming the health and well-being of athletes and individuals through scientifically validated, high-quality nutrition solutions. Our mission is to enhance performance and recovery with effective, bioavailable nutrients you can trust. We are committed to providing full transparency and empowering our customers to take control of their health.

 Dr. Julie Cajolet-Eckhardt, Psy.D., MA, LCP Stock Photo Used by Moxi Nutrition