Pür Fuel™ Information & Use Directions
Pür Fuel™ Use Directions:
Carbohydrate loading the first 3/4 of any endurance race provides the GI the best opportunity; and least GI distressed environment, to uptake calories needed for the race duration.
‘Front loading’ with a highly digestible & absorbable form of carbohydrate can elevate glycogen uptake, without GI distress.
The GI tolerance diminishes and nutrient absorption slows down due to inflammation and blood flow redistribution while racing. To maximize OsmoCarb™ fullest potential please use the following introduction protocol
Week 1:
1 serving (2 rounded Tablespoons) provides 15gm carbs/57 calories
Adaptation phase: Add one scoop to daily hydration. Increases the GI recognition and carbohydrate utilization. Not intended for caloric exercise requirements.
Week 2:
2 servings (4 rounded Tablespoons) provides 30gm carbs/114 calories
Hourly Incorporation Phase: Add caloric needs to water bottle during up to one hours worth of exercise.
Week 3:
4 servings (8 rounded Tablespoons) provides 60gm carbs/228 calories
Add hourly caloric needs; up to 60 grams (or personal utilization limit), to water bottle. for first 3 to 4 hours of exercise.
Pür Fuel™ Can be combined with other simple or complex carbohydrate sources as needed.
Clinical evidence concludes that under-hydrated cells absorb hypotonic drinks faster to extend endurance and elevate hydration. [1]
Personalize your Caloric Consumption for Maximum Results
OsmoCarb™, is composed of cyclic carbohydrate chains which are packed into tight clusters via enzymatic breakdown and resulting in Amylopectin.
Amylopectin consists of glycoside bonds, resulting in FAST and EASY digestion.
Please review the Educational video
Cluster Dextrin® (Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin) is a new type of dextrin that is produced from amylopectin via a cyclization reaction of a branching enzyme (BE, 1,4-α-D-glucan: 1,4-α-D-glucan 6-α-D-(1,4-α-D-glucano)-transferase, EC Ezaki Glico has successfully achieved industrial production of Cluster Dextrin® by applying its unique technology in enzymology. A Swimming Endurance Study with Cluster Dextrin® demonstrated a 50% increase to fatigue.*
Cluster Dextrin® improved Gastric Emptying Time compared in Glucose & Dextrin based solutions with a significantly higher tolerance.
- [1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8803723/
- Int J Sports Med, 26: 314-319, 2005
- Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 63: 2045-2052, 1999